(click thumbnail to see larger picture)

First Baby Present! 05/09/2008

Ultrasound @ 7-8 Weeks 05/21/2008

Ultrasound @ 7-8 Weeks 05/21/2008

Ultrasound @ 20 Weeks 08/20/2008

Ultrasound @ 20 Weeks 08/20/2008

Ultrasound @ 20 Weeks 08/20/2008

Ultrasound @ 20 Weeks 08/20/2008

Ultrasound @ 20 Weeks 08/20/2008

Ultrasound @ 20 Weeks 08/20/2008

Mommy @ 6 months 10/06/2008

Mommy @ 8 months 11/15/2008

Making Baby Blanket 11/22/2008

Making Baby Blanket 11/22/2008

Mommy @ 9 months 12/07/2008

Mom & Dad 12/15/2008
For the better part of 2007, Amelia and I had been trying to get pregnant with our first child. It wasn't until we encountered a few obstacles in life and decided to stop trying while we sorted them out that it finally happened. Finding out we were going to have a baby was not a bad thing, however, and we were immediately excited, no matter what other problems we faced on the financial and employment front.
2008 turned out to be the year of waiting. Not only were we waiting for our baby to arrive, but we were waiting to see where our lives were taking us. Everything seemed up in the air, and without getting into too much detail, we weren't sure where we'd be by 2009 or what kind of environment our child would arrive into.
All told, the pregnancy went well. Amelia didn't have any unusual problems, and didn't have any of those late night pickles and ice cream cravings I was expecting. We found out early that it would be a boy, and we threw around several names until we decided on Thomas Godfrey. Thomas comes from several places--nobody in either immediate family or our large circle of friends in named Thomas, we like the show "Rescue Me" in which Tommy is the name of Denis Leary's character, we're fans of The Who, and one of my personal heroes has always been Thomas Jefferson--and Godfrey is a family name on Amelia's side.
Amelia went nearly full term, and as 2009 approached, we weren't sure which year the kid would arrive in. We did figure out, however, that he would be born in Southern Maryland and that we'd have to sort out Amelia's employment and our eventual move out of state some time after he was born. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a stressful set of circumstances, but all the anxiety was offset by supportive friends and family, not to mention the extreme excitement and joy that comes from knowing you have a baby on the way.