(click thumbnail to see larger picture)
High Fiving the Pop 08/30/2009
Making Faces 09/12/2009
Making Faces 09/12/2009
Making Faces 09/12/2009
Grandma's Comfy 09/12/2009
Grandma's Comfy 09/12/2009
Big Blue Chair 09/12/2009
Big Blue Chair 09/12/2009
Big Blue Chair 09/12/2009
Playing 09/14/2009
Pooping? 09/14/2009
In Stroller 09/15/2009
In Stroller 09/15/2009
In Stroller 09/15/2009
In Stroller 09/15/2009
Hi! 09/19/2009
Grandma Tickles 09/20/2009
Grandma Tickles 09/20/2009
Grandma Tickles 09/20/2009
Trying to Crawl 09/20/2009
Nekkid Time! 09/21/2009
Nekkid Time! 09/21/2009
Jeans Jacket 09/21/2009
Jeans Jacket 09/21/2009
Jeans Jacket 09/21/2009
Excited Baby 09/21/2009
Calm Baby 09/21/2009
Sleeping in Mommy's Arms 09/22/2009
Sleeping in Mommy's Arms 09/22/2009
Sleeping in Mommy's Arms 09/22/2009
Sleeping in Mommy's Arms 09/22/2009
Bouncy Contraption 10/02/2009
Bouncy Contraption 10/02/2009
I Drool on Mommy 10/02/2009
I Want That! 10/02/2009
In Crib 10/03/2009
Temper Tantrum, Phase 1 10/03/2009
Temper Tantrum, Phase 2 10/03/2009
Temper Tantrum, Phase 3 10/03/2009
September saw Tommy, a master at sitting up already, trying really hard to crawl and speak. He spent a lot of time on all fours, rocking back and forth but not knowing how to make any forward progress.
He'd also babble, making plenty of dadadas and bababas, but he couldn't really put words to things. The closest he came was with bubbles, which his grandma would blow, and with the dog, Elle. He almost said both words--"bubbles" and "Elle"--on more than one occasion.
When Amelia found a temporary evening job, it became more important for Amelia and me to let Tommy play on his own (with supervision of course) for long stretches of time. He started using a variety of play devices--an exersaucer, a bouncy chair, and a baby walker--and his favorite was the hanging baby bouncer. He could spend thirty non-stop minutes bouncing in that thing, often laughing the whole time. He was also able to spend more time playing with his toys before he would get anxious and upset.
And upset was something he started to get more often. It was clearly getting more deliberate. He started getting annoyed if he didn't get his way, and Amelia and I even started experimenting with rudimentary discipline (basically just saying a firm "NO" whenever he'd grab at something he wasn't supposed to have). He also started showing signs of frustration, especially when he was unable to crawl from place to place.
You'd think this would be one of those developments you don't look forward to, but I was thrilled to see his emotions developing. Besides, Tommy's temper tantrums were minor compared to those of other babies I've seen.
Mostly, though, September was just a bunch of waiting for Tommy's next development. Crawling and talking seemed to be bigger challenges for him than other things had been, but he kept at it. We were patient, though, because we knew it wouldn't be long before he mastered those too.