(click thumbnail to see larger picture)
French Fry 11/03/2009
French Fry 11/03/2009
French Fry 11/03/2009
In Crib 11/04/2009
In Crib 11/04/2009
In Crib 11/04/2009
In Crib 11/04/2009
@ O'Charley's w/Daddy 11/05/2009
Stand-Up Baby 11/07/2009
Stand-Up Baby 11/07/2009
Spaced 11/08/2009
Happy 11/08/2009
At the Office 11/09/2009
How Do I Get the Food? 11/10/2009
The World! 11/12/2009
Morning 11/13/2009
Coffee Table Playground 11/13/2009
Coffee Table Playground 11/13/2009
Animal Cracker 11/14/2009
Animal Cracker 11/14/2009
Content 11/14/2009
Exploring 11/15/2009
Exploring 11/15/2009
Good Morning Grandpa 11/15/2009
Watching Grandpa 11/15/2009
Dusting 11/15/2009
With Elle 11/15/2009
Family Portrait 11/17/2009
Family Portrait 11/17/2009
Family Portrait 11/17/2009
Drying Off 11/18/2009
Thinking 11/23/2009
Looking Around 11/23/2009
With Cookie Monster 11/23/2009
Stand-Up Baby 11/23/2009
Stand-Up Baby 11/23/2009
First Haircut 11/24/2009
First Haircut 11/24/2009
First Haircut 11/24/2009
First Haircut 11/24/2009
First Haircut 11/24/2009
First Haircut 11/24/2009
Turkey 11/26/2009
Turkey 11/26/2009
Thanksgiving 11/26/2009
Thanksgiving 11/26/2009
Thanksgiving 11/26/2009
Napping on Grandma 11/26/2009
Thanksgiving 11/26/2009
Thanksgiving 11/26/2009
With his newfound crawling ability, November saw Tommy more able to explore the world around him. We took him out to more restaurants, the grocery store, his grandpa's office, and more.
He also began crawling all over the house, wherever there wasn't something blocking his way. In some cases, even a closed door didn't stand in the way. The door to his grandparent's bathroom, for example, was a sliding door, which he figured out how to open with ease.
He also began his love affair with french fries, as you can see, along with animal crackers, pretzels, and bread. This made taking him places much easier, because if he got bored or cranky, we could shove a french fry in his mouth and all would be well.
On top of all that, he had his first haircut, which went surprisingly well (much better than any subsequent haircut). Tommy was well-behaved and still, even happy. The woman cutting his hair, Naheen, was in love and would ask about him for months afterward.
Of course, November also saw his first Thanksgiving, which we had at his Great Aunt Linda's. It wasn't a huge affair--just the three of us, Grandma Diane, Grandpa Pat, Aunt Linda, Uncle Paul, and his great-grandparents. Tommy was forced to wear a turkey outfit, but he didn't mind too terribly. We shared some of the food with him, mostly just mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and bread. It was enough to put him to sleep almost instantly.