(click thumbnail to see larger picture)
In Walker 10/06/2009
In Walker 10/06/2009
In Walker 10/06/2009
Posing 10/07/2009
Posing 10/07/2009
Posing 10/07/2009
Posing 10/07/2009
Peek-a-Boo! 10/08/2009
Morning 10/08/2009
At Grocery Store 10/08/2009
With Daddy's Sunglasses 10/08/2009
Lots of Toys 10/13/2009
Lots of Toys 10/13/2009
@ Disney w/Uncle Rob 10/17/2009
@ Disney w/Uncle Rob 10/17/2009
With Grandpa 10/21/2009
Future Gamer 10/25/2009
Future Gamer 10/25/2009
With Mommom 10/25/2009
With Mommom 10/25/2009
Mommy's Little Hamster 10/26/2009
Mommy's Little Hamster 10/26/2009
Sup? 10/26/2009
In the Car 10/26/2009
Baby's in the House 10/29/2009
Baby's in the House 10/29/2009
Climbing All Over Daddy 10/30/2009
Climbing All Over Daddy 10/30/2009
Climbing All Over Daddy 10/30/2009
With Daddy 10/30/2009
With Daddy 10/30/2009
With Mommy 10/30/2009
Tired 10/30/2009
Tired 10/30/2009
Tired 10/30/2009
Big Yawn 10/30/2009
In October, Tommy took his first tentative crawling steps, and it wasn't long before he was really roaming.
Wherever we went, we had to survey the floor for potential hazards. He was especially fond of wires and cabinets, which made some of us wonder whether he'd grow up to be an electrician or carpenter or something along those lines. Luckily, he was still young enough that we could cover the wires with blankets or boxes and he wouldn't have the insight to just move them out of the way. We hastily set up barriers upstairs--so that he wouldn't decide to crawl down the stairs or into the bathroom where he could get into all sorts of trouble--using diaper boxes full of infant clothes.
As for the clothes he was outgrowing, there were more and more every day. It seemed like he was growing into new sizes of clothes and diapers every day, but thankfully, we had plenty of reserves and his mother, grandmother, and great grandmother (indeed, pretty much every woman in his family) all loved shopping for more baby clothes. We never ran out.
Tommy also got a walker to help him experiment with his new mobility, but unfortunately he only wanted to go backwards! When not playing on the floor, Tommy was being hugged by his many family members--Great Grandma Mommom, Grandpa Patrick and Grandma Diane--and he loved every minute of it. He was so affectionate, cute, and huggable that nobody could keep their hands off of him.
One day We all went to Epcot with his Uncle Robert (Eric's big brother). Tommy's first Disney experience was a bit underwelming; his most memorable bit was the tram ride through the parking lot because the wind was so cold.